Two Weekends Ago (6/3-6/5)
A couple of Saturdays ago we had a successful yard sale trip in a huge neighborhood (we got a really nice treadmill for $30!!!). We had to come home though because Benjamin wasn't reacting well to the heat. Collin couldn't make it until we got home before he drifted off to dream land (in spite of the fact that he had filled his diaper in the car). Dave changed his diaper and he slept through the whole thing!

Dave grabbed the camera to document the kids all sitting at the table together for the first time....

The kids and I played in the sprinkler while Daddy did some yard work. All three kids are so brave just running right through!
All three kids have really been enjoying the kiddie pool. The weather has been a little cooler the last several days and it's driving them crazy to not play in the water!

Our church had promotion Sunday where they celebrate students that graduate from preschool, high school, and college. Benjamin was so proud to get to go up and get his very own Bible!!!

Collin has spent at least the last two months in a serious Daddy-stage. He wanted to be with his Daddy all the time, no matter the circumstances. Thankfully, for my sake, he has started to turn around and is very much into his Momma again! :) Benjamin has always called me Momma, while Anna switches between Momma and Mommy. Collin seems to mimic his big sister more and more these days and has started to call me Mommy some now too. Its funny because he only really uses it when he says it over and over again. If he's super happy to see me, he runs into my arms squealing "Mommy! Mommy!" or if he's upset because he wants me and I'm not holding him, he cries "Mommy! Mommy!" in the saddest voice. Whatever he calls me, I'm so glad to be receiving lots of sweet lovin' from my little monkey!!

Last Weekend (6/10-12)
Collin having fun with his Grandpa and my Great Uncle....

Anna and Katrina were so cute holding hands and running all over the place. They are starting to form a very sweet cousin bond!

Anna and Katrina were so cute holding hands and running all over the place. They are starting to form a very sweet cousin bond!

I love the looks on the kids' faces in this picture! They were so awed when a bunch of people went out and did one of those dances where they all do the same moves together.

My cousin, Joel (to Benjamin's right) saw Benjamin trying to do the moves they were doing and convinced him to join them. :)

School Story:
I was doing some apple crafts with Benjamin and Anna during our school time one day when Benjamin all of a sudden starts chanting, "Apple, apple what do you see? I see some seeds growing in me. Seeds, seeds what do you see? I see an apple growing around me. Apple, apple what do you see? I see some people about to eat me!" I was so impressed with his creativity! (If you haven't read the very popular children's book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" then you will not get this one!)
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