I put Anna's easel together for her and the kids really love it. We painted on it and had a great time, but they also really enjoy drawing on the dry erase board and are getting quite creative with their creations. Here's Anna's first try at painting.....

Collin has followed his brother in forming a love of Buzz Lightyear. He points out Buzz every time he sees him. So when the kids were each picking out a little toy one day at the store, I got him his own little Buzz and he loves it. Here he is happily saying "Buh!"

He also really likes making things fly. Benjamin and he will adorably walk around the house flying their airplanes, but Buzz is who gets flown the most......

When he flies things, he purses his lips like this and makes a shh sound as you can see below. It's pretty stinkin' cute!

One of the presents I gave Anna for her birthday was this adorable little apron to wear when we cook together....

Dave had a meeting right after work on Wednesday and so the kids and I were on our own through bedtime. They aren't too fond of missing out on Daddy time for an entire day, so I thought we'd have a fun movie night and watch a new movie together. Every time they all get snuggled in their couches it makes me smile and of course reach for the camera....

You should have seen how desperate they were for their Daddy the next day when he had to be gone at work again all day. Makes us feel very blessed that he has a job where he comes home pretty much everyday at supper time!

Thursday evening was an Art Show for our kids preschool. Most of the things they make come home right away, but they save a bunch of really great ones and decorate the class rooms for the parents to come see and let the kids show off how great they are doing. Benjamin's class has been working really hard on making lots of great art for the show for months and so he was very excited for us to finally come and see all of his great work. Anna just goes one day a week and it seems like all the snow days and sick days seem to fall on Wednesdays (her day) and she has missed quite a few weeks. I figured she wouldn't have as many pieces of art then, but was so happily surprised when I saw her teachers had kept her caught up on almost every single thing! Here she is with her very hungry caterpillar.....

This bulletin board was filled with all the kids pictures on fire trucks like they were driving them with the name of a song they learned, "Hurry Hurry Drive the Firetruck." Anna gets pretty bashful when I try to get her to sing me songs she learns, but she was so excited after learning this one and sang it proudly for us the whole way home. :)

At the beginning of the year, they asked us to give them a few pictures of her family to display in the class to help the kids be more comfortable. So I had to snap a picture of Anna's cute collage they made....

Benjamin was so sweet patiently waiting and actually suggesting we got to Anna's class first because he was excited to see Anna's artwork. Love those sweet moments!!! (sometimes only the opposite seem to exist between these two) Anyway, he was so excited when it was finally time to go up to his class. They decorated their cubbies where they hang their coats and backpacks with elephants and Native American shields that they created....

I remember the day they made these name signs. Benjamin was so excited about putting all the letters of his name in order all by himself. The poor guy has had a hard time learning his name with how long it is!

I was so excited to see the hand print swans they had made (his is the bottom one). He had described to me how they used their hands to make the swans and then their pinkies to make orange beaks. What a neat project! He's also happily holding his award that he and Anna both received for their hard work.

His chalk drawing. They each drew whatever they wanted (I think they were all three things). His is top row, third over and he drew our house, our dog, and his Momma. :)

I was really impressed with this one he did. His teachers put out this basket of food that Benjamin is holding below and had them draw what they saw. In my very unbiased opinion, I thought he did great!

He colored the tower we climbed together (behind him) and they got to paint some pottery too. He said that was his favorite piece of artwork at the show (his is the one all the way to the right).

He was so bashful when I asked him to get pictures with his teachers. This is him and Mrs. Drake....

We had a great time watching them show us all their creations and of course were very proud!
Anna had her 3 year check up this week. She measured in at 39 inches tall (95th percentile) and weighs 33 pounds (75th percentile). She's measuring taller on the growth chart than she used to (around the 70th percentile) which wasn't too much of a surprise as she's seemed to have grown a ton to us! Mostly we're just very happy that she is healthy!!
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