After the wedding we spent an extra week to have time with family that were in town. It was great to have so much extended time together! Collin enjoyed all the yummy food Grandma made us....

Unfortunately, Dave's aunt and cousin had to go back the day after the wedding. Here's Benjamin saying bye to Aunt Betsy...

On Monday, we went out for a boat ride. Benjamin had so much fun driving the boat, especially under the bridges!!

I was pleased with how well Anna did on the boat. As our resident "wild child" I was worried about taking her on the boat, but she listened really well and mostly just wanted to eat goldfish crackers.

Hanging out with Cousin Jack....

Collin did really well for his first boat ride. He didn't particularly like the life jacket, but most of the time he just let the breeze soothe him to sleep.

I asked Benjamin if he wanted his hat on and he told me, "No thanks, Momma. I like the wind blowing in my hair. I like the way it feels." :)

I thought Collin looked a lot like Benjamin (did as a baby) when we were on the boat b/c the wind kept his hair blown back.

Blowing bubbles with Mamom (Dave's Grandma). We REALLY enjoyed all the time we got to spend with her!!!!

The next day we headed to the zoo and had a lot of fun together.
She's so spunky!

The three big kids checking out the giraffes, including a brand new baby one....
Watching the elephants do their exercises....

Petting zoo....

Anna really loves tigers these days and was tickled to be so close to this guy....

The kids (including Collin) really enjoyed the mist machines!

I couldn't help but laugh when Anna got into this position. She just doesn't know how to relax!!

Another boat ride....

This is how Collin spent most of our rides....

The kids really enjoyed playing together at the house too!

We went home on Thursday because Collin was sick and not sleeping, so we needed to take him to the doctor and get some rest in our own beds. After Dave was finished with work the next day, we decided to head back as Collin was feeling much better. We got pizza to eat on the way there. Benjamin's absolute favorite thing to eat is personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut (he calls it "Target Pizza" as we usually eat it there). We decided to surprise him and got him one to go along with our pizza. It makes him so happy!

Collin really is a monkey! He grabs his feet like this all the time and when his toys are down by his feet in the car seat, he uses his feet like hands to get them!

On Saturday we went for another boat ride with Dave's family and then spent the evening outside after Dave made a fire for the kids. Here are my loves!

Most of the time that I want Anna to pose for a picture, she doesn't have the patience for it. But every once in awhile she will decide she wants her picture taken and then will pose and pose and pose!!!
So sweet!
If only I could get her to do this all the time!

She really is such a happy girl!

Benjamin is pretty much always very sweet about letting me get a good picture of him.

Dave's parents had these HUGE marshmallows (I mean they were humongous!!). Anna gave one a try and was not a fan, as you can see...

Benjamin had a roasted one and boy was it a mess!
looks like you all had a blast!
Awesome time!! So happy everyone was able to be together!!
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