Collin is showing signs that he wants to eat regular food over baby food. He got to experience spaghetti for the first time and he so enJOYed himself!!!

Dave got to have some fishing time with his big kids in the lake right outside my parents' house...

One evening, we packed up a picnic supper and had fun at a park in Louisville. Isn't Collin just too adorable?? I think so!

And Anna is becoming such a pretty girl and growing up before my eyes!

We enjoyed some extended play time with my niece! Peak-a-boo Katrina!

Collin was so tickled when Dave put him into this little tunnel....he should get to play too!!!

My sweet boys!!! (I LOVE getting to write/say boyS) :)

I honestly could not have asked God for a better son to be my oldest child than Benjamin. He is just too sweet for words (fortunately he's got another side that's just as silly as he is sweet)! A few days after we got back into town, he asked me if we could watch something when we were in the car. They really love watching things on our DVD player in the car on long trips. I told him we were just going on a short trip to the store and explained as I always do in this case that we only watch things on long trips. He kindly responded, "That's okay, Momma. I wasn't 'specting it or anything. I was just checking."

Look at that sweet face! We are having so much fun discovering Collin's personality as of late! He now chuckles all the time and seems so happy. He has started bouncing in our arms when he's excited or when he hears music. The biggest update on him though is that over the weekend (this past one) his first tooth broke through. I'm quite surprised as it is a top tooth and I'm pretty sure they are supposed to get the bottom ones first. But I'm so pleased, because it doesn't seem to be bothering him at all!!!!

Three happy kids = blessed Momma!

Katrina and her Momma!

All my boys on a hill! Collin enjoyed being up here with Dave and watching all the activity below.

Once again, Anna refused to cooperate with smiles at the camera for a picture....

But when Grandma showed up, the smiles did too! :)

I can't help but wonder what's going on in that head of his sometimes. He's quite the creative cat!

Here's some of that developing personality I was referring to...

What happens when a two year old and four year old are on a hill together?

If there is music in the background and it's my kids we are talking about, you can pretty much always count on dancing. Lots and lots of dancing!
1 comment:
That is the biggest fish Dave has ever caught. I'm glad Benjamin was there to help him reel it in. Good job with the pictures Andee! Now Dave won't be able to exaggerate this one!
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