I figured I was due one.....

I fell down a couple of steps and landed with my two small toes crashing into the baby gate at the end of the stairs. They hurt for a few days then started to feel better. A week later the pain got much worse and started traveling into the foot. We spent Monday morning at urgent care to learn that thank goodness it isn't broken. But the doctor said there was some big time bruising/swelling around my nerves and every time I walked, I just kept irritating it more. So I get to wear this stylish footwear for at least a week so my foot/toes don't bend. I am very, very thankful I don't have a broken foot and think I'll be better soon. Hopefully over the weekend I can finally keep it elevated for more than a few minutes at a time. :) Funny part though, is sweet Anna. She comes up to me, rubs my boot and declares in the softest/sweetest voice, "I like your special shoe. It make you feel better soon!" (This occurs about a 20 times per day)
I think they are a pretty cute bunch wheher in jammies or dressed!

As always they are full of love!

Do you see the personality in that sweet cupcake of mine's face? She is so full of personality and fun. She makes me smile every single day, all day long. She seems to be blossoming before my eyes and becoming quite the adorable little girl. Here are some recent Anna smile makers (it should be known that she inserts the cutest inflections and softens and sweetens her voice in ways that merely reading the quotes, you cannot fully appreciate the sweet personality within her little body):
- We were sitting at our dining room table eating dinner together. Anna looked up and declared lovingly, "This my family. It's Momma, Cawin, Ben-gine, Daddy, and Ee-na. It's our family!"
- She was on a walk pulling her wagon when she fell and the wagon dragged her a bit and ended up scraping her thumb nail on the sidewalk yesterday evening. I called the doctor's office b/c it was looking yucky this morning and they said they needed to check it. Thankfully, the doctor didn't need to do anything to it and we just need to keep it bandaged with ointment for a week or so and watch for infection. We headed to Target to pick out some girly bandaids for her. Grandma met us there and bought the kids some new toys. When I was putting one together this afternoon, she grabbed a faucet to the sink (a toy for her babies), put it to her ear as if it were a phone, and started this conversation, "Hi God. It's Anna. I have a bandaid. It has Dora on it." I even asked her to repeat who she was talking to and she assured me, "I talking to God, Momma."
- Speaking of Dora: While nursing Collin this morning she wanted me to read her a story. I told her I would when Collin was finished and she decided (as she always does), "It's okay, Momma. I read it myself. Okay?" I listened as she flipped through one of her Dora books and read the story out loud. "Hola, I'm Dora. This is Boots. We're going on an adventure." (turn page) "Hola, I'm Boots. I go on an adventure with Dora." (turn page) "Hi, I Swiper!" etc. etc........ :)
- And here's one that's funny but not so sweet: To Benjamin (usually in the car) while her big brother is looking at her in funny/silly/scary/etc ways, "Don't look at me! No!!!! He's looking at me!!!!" This eventually causes her to stop screaming and start crying, me to try not to laugh, and Benjamin to change his facial expression to one of half delight/half pure satisfaction.
1 comment:
hope your foot is better soon! love the pj day!
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