Can you see the love in how Collin is looking at Anna? :)

He's such a cutie! Lately he's been making lots of "raspberry noises" with his mouth that make us all laugh.

Benjamin was playing with his toy when he told me to quick, look at Collin. Collin was bouncing himself a few times and then would nod off. He repeated this 4-5 times.....

Collin is an official "army crawler"!!! He's been doing it for a few weeks now and it is one of my favorite developments that babies do. It is so cute to watch! When he does it, Benjamin yells out "Look, Momma! He's crawling like the soldiers do!!!"

I put the lens cap on the floor to get Collin to crawl for the pictures. He played with it for a minute and then decided he wanted the actual camera instead. This is his reaction to me taking the camera away....

We got the kiddie pool out for the first time last week. The big kids really have a lot of fun in it. Benjamin's not much for being hot, so he has really enjoyed having the water to keep him cool so that he can still play outside!

After a little while the pool toys got boring, so I grabbed some of their kitchen toys and threw them in. They had a lot of fun "cooking" in the pool!

I put the lens cap on the floor to get Collin to crawl for the pictures. He played with it for a minute and then decided he wanted the actual camera instead. This is his reaction to me taking the camera away....

We got the kiddie pool out for the first time last week. The big kids really have a lot of fun in it. Benjamin's not much for being hot, so he has really enjoyed having the water to keep him cool so that he can still play outside!

After a little while the pool toys got boring, so I grabbed some of their kitchen toys and threw them in. They had a lot of fun "cooking" in the pool!
I'm behind on here again. These are pictures from last week. I have what feels like a million things to do and many more pictures to put on here. Hopefully I can be productive and get it all done! Here are a few more Anna quotes:
-We went to the outlet mall and as we were walking around, Anna fell and scraped her knee a little bit. On the way home she kept telling me, "Mommy, sorry I hurt my knee. I fall down. Sorry Mommy." Benjamin and I kept explaining to her that she didn't have to apologize for getting hurt, but much to Benjamin's frustrations she didn't understand. :)
-One day last week, the kids were playing together really well. Then Benjamin got distracted by a tv show. He was completely zoned out to it. Anna came into the living room once she realized he wasn't playing anymore. She asked him, "Ben-gine, don't you want to play with me?" He didn't hear her, so she just kept getting louder and more in his face. Finally, I had to get his attention for her b/c he was so into the show. After I got his attention for her, she asked him again and he replied very nonchalantly, "Sure." and they were off! I LOVE that they can play nice with one another sometimes!!!!