It's been kind of chilly here, so with everyone being sick we haven't gotten to enjoy the outside as much. We manage to sneak out for a few minutes of enjoyment here and there. Here the big kids are playing with the new gardening tools I found for them.

Dave got our play set from the old house finished recently, so it's been really nice to be outside because we can put Collin in the swing. He either smiles.....

After it rained one night, the garden was nice and wet and the kids had a grand time playing in mud instead of dirt. Benjamin made mud balls and a mud castle!

Benjamin and Anna were beyond thrilled that they finally got to use the umbrellas that they got for Easter a few days ago. Every time it's rained since then, it's either been storming too or when they were sleeping. Patience is hard for a four year old!

Poor Benjamin desperately wanted a puddle to splash in, but all the water seems to drain away from our yard and driveway. They finally found this one itty bitty puddle and then tried to both splash in it.

I was trying to take pictures of Collin in his newest pose, when big brother came over and mimicked him so he could be the focus of the picture. :)

Collin spends most of his day rolling across the floor and pushing himself up on his belly as he is below. He also has been tickling Dave and I by making this expression with his bottom lip tucked in like this.....

This is how he looks most of the time, checking out what the siblings are up to. He also spends a lot of his time babbling. Mostly, "mamamaaaaa" with some occasional "iiii-yii-yii-yii-yii" (and when he does this one he squints his eyes and makes the funniest expression).

Dave calls this his marine push-up. He pushes himself up with his hands in little fists like this and he can go even higher than he is here. The funniest is when you go to get him in his bed. He cries when he wakes up most of the time and when you walk in the door, he pops his little head way up and peers over the bumper and then comes down with a huge face plant into his mattress b/c he is so excited to see you!

He can roll and reach and get to wherever he wants pretty much. He's done a couple (sort of) army crawls, so I'm afraid it won't be long!

This guy is getting so big. He can be as sweet as anyone I've ever met. Just today, he was watching Sesame Street and saw a cat and said, "Momma! That cat looks like Milo, doesn't it?!?!" I didn't see it (thankfully). But then just out of curiosity asked him, "Do you miss Milo?" He quite bluntly said no. (insert disappointment) But then asked, "Do you miss him, Momma?" I kind of sadly replied yes. Then in the sweetest, most reassuring voice, "It's okay, Momma. Milo is in heaven. That means that one day you will get to go to heaven and you will be with him and with Jesus and with God!!!! Doesn't that make you happy?" (Momma's heart swells)

I know the story with Benjamin's head shot was a sweet one, but I have a spunky thing for Anna's. The last few days she has learned a new expression that is so not cool. When I ask her to do something (more like tell her to do something repeatedly) she turns her head, gives me a look she isn't old enough to make and says to me in a voice she isn't old enough to use to her mom, "I am!" A cute thing she says right now though is, "Thank you berry much!" over and over when you do something for her. :)

Unfortunately, the nebulizer has re-entered our life with this latest bout of germs that won't go away.....

Collin is so cute though and either falls asleep to it, or is so happy afterwards when we let him play with it. Check out those eyes!

We've been playing a lot of games around here lately. Benjamin wanted to play Go Fish when it was time for me to nurse Collin, so I suggested he play with Anna. She hasn't even seen the game in a long time, and it was one of the sweetest things I've ever witnessed when Benjamin patiently set up the game, explained it to her, and then they sweetly took turns. If that doesn't seem extrodinarily sweet to you, you must remember I'm witnessing it in between fighting over toys, pushing, yelling at one another, and general sibling pestering.

Are you wondering what is going on in this picture?
Anna: Do you hear that sound, Ben-gine? It's a dragon! It will scare me! (even though she's the one that imagined it)
Benjamin: Don't worry, Anna! I will save you!
Both to me (repeatedly): Stay back, Momma!
He then explains how he is a prince and she is the princess and thus he will save her. He shows me his umbrella is his shield, he swings a necklace as his sword, and he has a cape and boots on for good measure. It is determined that the dragon is outside and it is breaking our windows! (pause for dramatic gasp) He slays the dragon (and later a witch) and informs me that it fell into a hole many stories deep.
Later, there is an arguement......
Anna to Benjamin: Don't worry, sweetie. I'll get that dragon!
Benjamin: No, Anna! I am the prince! You are the princess!!!!
And later still, I here him whisper to his sister: So don't worry my fairest. I will come!
(Here he is explaining the danger we are in)

Collin is extremely interested in putting EVERYTHING in his mouth these days. That includes us. He often captures his brother and sister, but Dave and I are his usual prospects. When I hold him, he grabs a fistfull of hair from either side of my face and then uses said fists to propel himself into me and then chew on my face! The other evening, I was playing on the floor with him and he attacked me once again. Dave thought it was rather funny and worth capturing......

Todays imaginings included a trip to school with a park visit to follow. They started in their kitchen. Each of them put lots of food into a container and then wrapped it up with dish towels (when I asked why, I was informed that it was to hide thier snacks b/c they needed to be hidden so it wouldn't be known they had snacks at school). They then explained to me that they were going to school and then afterwards they were going to the park to have their snacks. I told them to have a fun trip and to be safe and they were off. They headed to the other living room and while playing with Collin, I enjoyed watching them as they grabbed backpacks and books and sat on the love seat together playing school with one another for about 30 minutes! They were so nice to each other and just played and played! It was amazing!!!!
One more funny thing to share: One of my favorite parts of the day lately has been checking on them before going to sleep at night and seeing what their sleeping positions are for the night. Last night, they both had me in hysterics! I wish I had the courage to take pictures to share, but my explanation will have to do. Benjamin first: He was laying on his back, one leg was straight down and the other was crossed over the first (as you would cross your legs when sitting). Then both arms were extended completely out. Dave said it was his Jesus pose. Anna: We often find her (both awake and asleep) with her pillow on top of her or cast aside instead of under her head. Last night I walked in and she had it where it should be in her bed, except she was under it and all I could see of her little body were her little ankles and feet sticking out the end. I laughed and laughed and told Dave he had to come see b/c she looked like the wicked witch under the house in Wizard of Oz. He came in, had a good chuckle and then walked all the way to her bed. He covered his mouth in surprise and had an awed look about him. When I walked up to see what he had found, I discovered that her sweet head was laying next to her baby which she had kindly covered with her little blanky! She never keeps her own cover on while sleeping, but she made sure her baby would be warm. :)
1 comment:
love the stories! what cuties!!!
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