Collin had his six month check-up yesterday. We are blessed to say he continues to be a very healthy boy! He weighed 19 lb 6 oz (75th percentile) and was 29 1/4 inches long (still way over the growth cart) and his head measured in at 50th percentile. He's doing well with eating and continues to enjoy cereal as well as carrots, green beans, sweet potatoes, and bananas. He's starting to try and crawl. He has been good at getting his front half to do what he needs for awhile now, but the rest of him doesn't cooperate. The last few days he's been pushing up higher and wiggling more from side to side so that he can move forward a little bit. It's cute to watch, but I'm so not ready for a mobile baby! Overall though, Collin is an unbelievably happy baby. He awards us with so many smiles and coos!
Unfortunately all three boys are sick in our house (us girls are just too tough!). I feel bad for Collin b/c he's dealing with the typical post shot symptoms + started showing symptoms that his big brother had shared some sick germs with him just a few hours after his appt. Both boys are running fevers, coughing, and snotty. Benjamin's been having some breathing trouble too, so we've started his breathing treatments again. They both have had trouble sleeping (big yawn for this Momma) the last few nights, so I decided to move Collin into his bouncy seat so he could be elevated. Here's the sweet monkey tonight:

I'll end with some Anna funnies tonight:
- When Anna likes something she squeals: "That's grape!" or "That be grape!" (meaning great) She is such a good talker, so I think it's too cute when she consistently makes a mistake.
- Her grandma gave Anna a toy chest that's a bench seat that was Anna's Great Grandma Faith (Anna's middle name is Faith). She was so excited to receive it and we think it's really special that she has something from her very special namesake. We moved it into her room and now when she sees it, she excitedly declares "Oh, there's my bench!" I typed out what she's trying to say, you can figure out yourself why it's funny to Dave and I and what it sounds like she's saying. :)
- While picking up something semi-heavy Anna said the following the other day: (grunting, low/strong voice) "I can do it, I strong!!!" Then she did a super cute muscle flex for me. Then in a high-pitched celebratory voice, "I super Anna. I a super guy!!!!"
- My mom calls Benjamin "Dude" sometimes. She tries to visit us once a week and Anna is so funny b/c the second my mom gets here, she calls Benjamin "Dude" too. Last week when my mom was here, when it was time to pick Benjamin up from preschool I asked her if she wanted to go get Dude. She shook her head at me and told me, "He not Dude, he Ben-gine (sounds like Ben + the last part of engine)." Apparently, I'm not allowed to share in his nickname. :)
- She loves her Bible. We keep it on her dresser and when she wakes up in the morning or from nap time, she is very quiet and gets up, grabs her Bible, and reads it in her bed for awhile. She eventually will start talking and that's how I know she's ready to get up (even as a baby, she wanted to stay in her crib 10-15 minutes after waking up and would not come to us if we tried to get her before then). It tickles me b/c when I go in there, she has her pillow propped against her head board and always looks so comfy while she sits there with her Bible.
- She's an absolute sweetheart and is so much fun (as you can see), but she also has such a spunky side. She throws the word no around like it's the only response she knows. She will give me this look when she's about to do something naughty that is a complete acknowledgement that she is aware that it is the wrong choice. Biggest example from today: She started making choking sounds while eating lunch. She quickly recovered and I was trying to explain that she needed to take smaller bites. Her response? To shove the whole piece of sandwich into her mouth. I quickly informed her that she needed to take some out and take one bite. She started to pull it out and paused as if she was just going to take a bite, then spit all of it straight onto the ground and declared, "Ah-ha!" She definitely keeps me on my toes and very entertained! :)