and couldn't help but remember back to the days of two year-old Benjamin gazing at a baby Anna......
While Benjamin was at preschool yesterday, Anna was spending time with Collin in his bouncy seat.......

The shirt Collin is wearing, all three of them have now worn as babies! Collin is so long though that he's in it way before the other two were.
Anna was being so cute playing with this toy and afterwards clapping her hands and declaring, "Yea! Anna!"
When I grabbed the camera, the smiles and self-praise disappeared and this was the result of my trying to elicit them back.......
Guess she wasn't feeling photogenic that day!
Later, she was tickling me so much. She had pooped and I changed her diaper and then for the next hour kept saying, "poops" and touching her bottom like this. She never went again, but she sure thought she was going to!
Benjamin was whining and not being his best self last night. So I told Dave he should wrap him up like a baby and rock him, thinking he wouldn't like being treated like a baby and possibly change his ways. He surprised me and actually wanted to be wrapped up! So Daddy obliged....
Even wrapped up with his arms pinned down, he still managed to get in Anna's face!
Collin was having a hard time staying asleep last night, so he and I did some slow dancing/cuddling......
Benjamin and Anna were dancing too. Dave captured this picture and I couldn't resist sharing. I promise he really does love his sister!
They get so much use out of their kitchen set and always seem to be playing with it these days!
Collin seems to be getting bigger to me!
and he's just as sweet as ever!
My favorite Collin things right now are:
1) His sweet little voice. He makes soft little ah-ah-ah sounds when he's awake.
2) How much he likes to be next to me. When I lay in bed with him, he soothes immediately having his body next to mine and if we aren't all the way against each other, he wiggles his head over until he is!
3) His new thing that he's been doing is insisting his face is burrowed into me when I'm rocking him to sleep. I'll move his face to the side when he does this and he gets really restless until he burrows it right back!
1 comment:
So cute to see all of the comparison pictures! What sweet kids (except those rare:) moments when Benjamin's picking on Anna). Collin is getting big! He has the cutest eyes and that hair is fantastic! Can't wait to meet him in person!
Keep dancing!
Love you
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