Benjamin may not be as good an eater, but he's just as cute! In case you were wondering, he LOVES the cupcakes too!
Benjamin and Anna have been playing really sweetly lately (a very nice change!). They've been giving hugs and kisses (which Benjamin will allow now that Anna knows how to do it with her mouth closed) and they've even been semi-wrestling with one another in a very nice way that only ends in laughs! Today while enjoying their lovefest, I asked Benjamin if he was happy he had a sister to play with. He turned to me and matter-of-factly replied, "Mine have TWO sisters!!!" I think he's pretty sure Little Three is a girl. He says a boy every once in awhile, but most of the time it's girl! We'll excitedly wait and see if he's right!
Playing the baby guessing game with Benjamin has inspired me to have some fun with all of you. You will find a new feature to the left side of my blog, an ExpectNet baby pool. My friend, Stacia did this with her baby and I thought it'd be fun to let all of you make your guesses about whether you think Little Three will be a girl or boy, when he/she will arrive and how much the baby will weigh/length. So get your guesses in! Just click on the box to the left!
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