Dave and I have been struggling quite a bit with getting Benjamin to go to sleep. There have been sticker charts, rewards, punishments, time outs, Dave reading in the hallway for an hour while fighting him to go to sleep, you name it.....we've probably done it. Last night I put Benjamin to bed and only had to go in once more (a success these days). An hour or so later, I was in bed waiting for Dave to go to sleep. He comes in and says, "Do you know Benjamin's light is on?" I climb out of bed mildly frustrated thinking we're going to have to fight him to go to sleep for the next hour. When I walked in, this is what I found..............
And now I need a favor. I got a great new camera for Christmas and since it was so hard to get Anna's 9 month picture b/c she just wanted to crawl away...... I decided to do her 12 month pictures myself. I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out, but I'm having trouble picking. That's where you come in. Comment or email me (amm555@aol.com) and tell me which one(s) you like the best.
I love them all. But I do like 5 and 8 :)
I like #4.
that's a tough one. I pick #6. ~stacia
I like #3 & #5! I hope Ava cooperates for her 3 year old pics. She can be stubborn :)
~Sara Spencer
That's too hard! They are all so cute! I like 1,2 & 3! I love her huge smile! And the rabbit/flower pics are so precious!
Love you,
They are all SO good so it's hard to choose! I like #1 and 7 the best!
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