We've had a lot of fun the past few days, so buckle up! :)
We went to the zoo yesterday to enjoy the nice weather, which we are so thankful for! We packed lunch to eat in the car and since the pediatrician ok'd Anna's car seat being turned around, we decided to do it for this trip so we could watch her eat better. She absolutely loved it and it was so shocking for Dave and I to see. It was really cute to look back and see her looking like such the big girl! And speaking of big, one of her new tricks is that when you say, "Soooooo Big!" she lifts her arms up in the air to show you how big she is! :)

Some other cute things she's doing recently is pointing to her head, nose, and mouth. Something I keep forgetting to jot down here that she's been doing for a few months now is when you say, "Where's Anna?" She pats her belly! She has been saying fish - "isshhhh" and hot - ahhttt, sounds like she's whispering. She has also created a new word too. She started saying, "Meee!" when she wants something or to be held and now she says Ma-meeee, which we interpret as "Momma, me want that/hold me"! It's pretty funny!
Benjamin is very sweet and holds his DVD player so that Anna can watch it too!

Benjamin and Daddy watching the dolphins, waiting for the dolphin show to start.


Anna had her pointer finger ready, making sure we didn't miss any animals!

These guys love their Daddy!

Benjamin skipped his nap to go to the zoo and Anna had only had one nap. We were only in the car a few minutes and they passed out on us! We went to dinner afterwards, so we hung out in the parking garage for a while so they could catch some Zzzzzzs! They both woke up happy, with hungry tummies. They ate great and were so good for us, which was super great for Mom and Dad! :)

Today we continued to soak up the great weather. I cooked up a picnic and we met Dave at the park. It is so wonderful to get to be outside in the sunshine!

Watching people walk their dogs! And of course exclaiming, "Dog!" over and over and over again!

While looking through the telescope, Benjamin declared, "Mine see the playground!!!!" with absolute joy!

Anna likes driving!

This is Benjamin's absolute favorite slide out of every park he's
ever been to! He LOVES it every time! I, however, think it hurts my bum! :)

Dave agrees, but I still guilted him into going down so Anna could! She was always smiling at the end, but they were going so fast that I could barely capture them!

"Hey you!" I thought this was a cool angle.