We have been letting Anna be free in the bath lately and she and Benjamin both seem to enjoy it!


Anna has been changing a lot lately! She must realize that she's about to have a birthday or something! She is now saying cat, dog, and light! It is really cute and she always points to one of them and says it! :) She's been standing on her own more and more too (no steps yet though!).

Here she is saying, "Dog!"

Pointing to said dog!

Being silly!

Unfortunately, she has been learning how to throw fits when she doesn't get her way also! It's kind of cute in her own way. She throws her body to the ground.........

waits a bit..............

throws in a few fusses for good measure.................

and then moves on as quickly as she got upset! Saying "Cat"!!!!

"Come on cat! Come to me!"

"Okay, I'll come get you then!"
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