I knitted Benjamin a hat and finally finished it last night. He was
thrilled when he woke up and it was all done!!!

I also knitted another baby hat a while back for friends of ours' new little baby, Sariah! Isn't she cute????

It was a good day to have a new hat, b/c we had some outside snow playing to do! Every time it snows, Benjamin asks if it's enough to play in and unfortunately it hasn't been......until today!!!!

Anna was less than thrilled......

Benjamin was happy enough for the both of them though!

He and Milo had a little snowball fight!!!

Any guesses as to what I put her in to keep her off the snow???

Zoe had fun getting in on the action too!

By the way it is
HARD to take care of a 3 year old and 11 month old by yourself in 4 inches of snow!!!!
Anna was happy to be back inside where it was warm and she didn't have to wear all the garb! :)

Waving hi!!!
You put her in the small plastic pool, duh! :) Love the hats, love the kids! :)
yep - a pool. cute little asian kid... wonder who she belongs to?!? :)
ha ha! who says you can't go swimmin' while it's snowing? LOVE the knits! You are getting good!
I love the look on Anna's face. I can't decide whether it says, "why did you bring me outside in the cold," or "why did you put me in a plastic pool?"
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