Today is sweet Anna's 11 month birthday! That means its the last "month birthday" before she has the
BIG 1 year old birthday! I've been so much better at her getting bigger than I was with Benjamin, mostly b/c I have enjoyed her personality growing and
growing and
growing so very much! However, I'm still pretty emotional about the whole 1st birthday thing! :( I'm sure I'll be tough though!
When I say Anna's personality is growing, that is no exaggeration. She is changing so very much! She loves to be chased. She starts crawling somewhere she's not supposed to, looks back at you, you say, "I'm gonna get you!" and she's off squealing with delight! She is saying so much, more than I can believe......Momma, hi, Dada or Daddeeeee, and the big one....she's been saying a two word sentence! Hi Dadadada! How amazing and cute is that?!?!?! She has become quite the sweet little kiss giver too! She continues to wave hi & bye, point at everything, shake her head no in the cutest way ever, and many other sweet things! We love her so much!!!! How could you not love a sweet baby that laughs like this????

It's a little more challenging to get her picture in the rocking chair now that she can climb all over it!

No surprise though, she still makes an amazing photograph!!!
Benjamin likes to hop in on the action too!

Dave and I are constantly telling each other how crazy sweet our babies are!

On Saturday, Benjamin and I went on an outing just the two of us! He got to spend his birthday money and picked out a Madagascar coloring book and
Aristocats movie (also referred to as "The Kitty Movie")!