With Expert CommentarySometimes We Are Happy
"I am such a happy kid!"

"Momma thinks my new chap stick trick is really funny! I'm pretty proud of myself!"

"I am so tickled that I pulled myself up to Benjamin's table!!! I had fun banging on the table and talking to my brother and then laughing with delight by it all!"
Unfortunately, Sometimes We Get Sad

"I don't like it when Momma puts me in timeout!"

"I really don't want my brother to hold me right now!"
Sometimes We Are Extra Pretty 
"I like all my new bows!"

"Daddy says I look like a doll in this picture!"

"They're even pretty when I'm naked!"

"I got some pretty new headbands too!"
Sometimes We're Just Plain Silly
"Momma went out with her girlfriends and when she came back I saw this bag in her hand. I asked, 'what you have for me Momma?' She gave me the bag to look and see and I saw a chocolate doughnut! I then proceeded to eat the whole thing over the bag (so as not to spill the crumbs) in about a minute and a half, even though it was 9:30 at night and way past my bedtime! What I don't know is that the doughnut really wasn't for me (it was for Daddy) and Momma just couldn't resist making me happy!"

"Unfortunately, this is my new expression. That and grunting really loud and then smiling over my success! Momma says they both aren't very lady like. Oh, well!"

"I see you!"

"Please leave my hair (and me for that matter) alone and let me play in the bath!"

"Headbands are way more fun to
eat than wear!"

"You can't hear it, but I'm making a
really fun noise!"
And No Matter What, We Always Like To Have Fun
"Look at me, I can stand and pull up on everything!!!! The world is mine!"

"I love my new guitar and want to take it everywhere with me! I even asked to take it to church this morning. Momma said no, that I could play with it when we got back. My response.....'No? Okay Momma. Leave it here and play with it after church. Okay, Momma?'"

"He He! My big brother is taking a nap and doesn't know that I've got his beloved new guitar!!!!"
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