Drum roll please.....The swing set is finished! After too many hours to count, its in working order!

Benjamin's been having a blast with it!

The slide is really fast!


Good job Daddy! A big thanks to Grandpa too!

Anna was napping while we finished putting the swing set together.

Swing time!

Benjamin HATES swings and I mean HATES them! Every time I've ever put him in one, he asks to be taken out immediately and starts crying until you do. So it was to my surprise that he actually likes this one! He stayed in it for a long time and was smiling and having FUN! I think he feels safer in this one because it comes up on all four sides so high. He really likes to swing with me and have us hold hands!

New Subject: Anna picked up a toy for the first time! She has been spending all her time lately looking at her hands. It's really funny watching her. Benjamin never did that, so it's been exciting for me watching Anna do it! First off here's a few pictures of my sweet little cupcake!

Here she is looking at her hands....

and here she is picking up her toy! It really surprised Dave and I. We were just sitting with her and I was playing with her with this toy. I put it on her lap and she kept looking at it and then she slowly grabbed it with her hand. She would pick it up and then start looking at her hands and drop the toy. Then she'd do it all over again! Growing up so fast!
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