Here's some recent pictures of Anna making some funny smiles for me. She smiles soooooo much. All you have to do is get in her eye-sight and barely talk to her and she starts smiling! She's been laughing a lot lately too! Such a happy, sweet baby!!!

The last couple of days she has started noticing her hands! Here's a captured moment of exploration! :)
We did George Bush proud and spent our Economic Stimulus check. We got a freezer for the garage, a water softener (exciting stuff, I know), and a playground set for our backyard for Benjamin (and Anna eventually!). Dave had his Dad come up and help him put it together this weekend. They must have known how tedious a job this would be because they took a nap before they even started! They do have the instructions near by though, so maybe there were studying by osmosis!!! :)

This is day two of construction. It said it would take 2 people 2-4 hours to build it. So far they have worked most of Sunday and all evening Tuesday and the poor guys still aren't done! My favorite moment of this project (besides the picture above) was when Dave told me, "You really don't want to turn the page on a 30 step instruction book and see that one step requires 200 screws!" How crazy is that! It should be so nice when it's done though and Benjamin is so excited! He has had fun "helping" and spending some quality time outside with Grandpa and Daddy! Drilling away.......
Benjamin's friend Maddox came over and played today and they did really well together and played pretty nice for them! :) Maddox kept coming over and rubbing Anna's belly and so Benjamin would too! She really enjoyed watching the two of them!!!!

Bath Time!
We finally took some pictures of Anna getting a bath. We had video-taped her, but kept forgetting to get some pictures. I can't tell if she likes bath time or not, but she is quiet the whole time and never cries!

I think it's obvious, but I don't know if you can tell in this picture, but my poor little baby is sick! I was sick with a sinus infection for two weeks, Benjamin has an ear infection, and now Anna does too! It's so pitiful seeing her sick when she's so little! She has a nasty cough and lots of congestion and her eye keeps running like crazy! She won't keep her medicine down and actually projectile vomited it with a ton of mucus up tonight (hence the need for the bath). So please, if you will, pray that she starts keeping it down and gets better!!! I hate seeing her sick!

Big Boy Bed
And now the really exciting news....Benjamin has slept in his big boy bed the past two days (naps and at night-time)! I can't believe how easy a transition it's been! He's really funny and you can tell sometimes he's a little scared and wants to get out. But I explained to him that this was where big boys slept and that babies slept in cribs and you can see the wheels turn as he starts to get a little teary as I'm leaving and wants to go back to his crib but doesn't want to give up his big boy status! Well that was how it was yesterday. Today though he has gone in there excited and hasn't cried at all! It broke my heart a little bit at first because it makes him seem so grown up to me, to put him to bed in a real bed! But I'm okay, I know it has to happen eventually! Plus, I'm sure we'll all be thankful in a couple of months when Anna has outgrown her bassinet and needs the crib!!!! Here's my BIG BOY, sleeping away......

Well I better head off to bed. It's really late and we have a crazy weekend ahead of us with lots of traveling, two weddings, a rehearsal dinner, and a baptism! Here's hoping we get everyone well fast! Thank goodness Dave has Monday off....we're gonna need it to recover!!! Have a great three-day weekend everyone! God bless!
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