On Saturday we spent the afternoon at the park. The weather was finally nice! Yea!
Anna and her Daddy on her first trip to the park!

We had a yummy picnic!

Benjamin had a lot of fun on the playground......

and walking his dog!

We kept Benjamin up way past his nap time and he played so hard that he fell asleep in the car. When I looked back and saw him falling asleep, I started laughing and he heard me and he started smiling with his eyes closed. So that just made me laugh harder which made him laugh while sleeping. It was really funny!

By the time we got home we had two sleeping angels in the back seat!

Yesterday we went to meet my sister Katie's baby, Kayla, for the first time. Here we are, two sisters with baby girls only 13 days apart in age!

We enjoyed trading babies and meeting our nieces too!

The highlight of the visit though was getting the two babies together. By some miracle they happened to be awake and alert at the same time. So we laid them down together and they were so calm and happy to be together. It was so adorable to see!

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