Today Anna seems to be doing really well and even gave me a wonderful surprise....she laughed!!! She smiles when she's falling asleep and a few times has laughed too. But today, she laughed while awake and she actually kept doing it over and over for like 10 minutes! So sweet!!!!!!!

And here's what my silly son looked like this morning...Mickey Mouse jammies on, giraffe rain boots, and working on his tools! He's a trip! :)

Funny Conversation
Dave just came home and he, Benjamin, and I were standing together talking and Benjamin lifted up my shirt and was looking at my belly....
Benjamin: This? (pointing to my scar from the c-section I had with him)
Me: That's where Benjamin came out of Momma's belly.
Benjamin: No! Anna out Momma's belly!
Me: You came out of Momma's belly too, when you were a baby.
Benjamin: No! Anna out Momma's belly!
Me: Well if you didn't come out of Momma's belly like Anna did, then where did you come from when you were a baby?
Benjamin: In* out Daddy's belly!!!
Followed by Benjamin and me laughing and Dave looking horrified!
*In is how he says Benjamin