He kept doing his bye/wave that I mentioned in an earlier post which was super cute! I finally was able to get some pictures of it and you can see him waving and see that he's saying bye! If only you could hear how cute he says it!

He also kept putting his hand up and saying "uh??" over and over again! He does that all the time now and I think its very funny and am very proud to have taught it to him

We also just had some plain silly time too!
The only bad part of him keeping us up last night is that today was Dave and my anniversary! (4 years, yea!) I had spent over an hour looking up recipes and making a grocery list last night so I could make us a big romantic dinner since we hadn't really come up with anything fun to do. When I called Dave at 2:30 last night to tell him Benjamin was still up, he was really sweet and told me not to worry about making dinner, that we would just go out. So instead we just decided to go on the fly to a restaurant in one of the cities south of Indy and see if we would like living there. We had a great time together exploring and really liked one of the cities, so who knows!?!?!
Happy Anniversary Dave! You're everything to me and I can't imagine spending a better 4 years than the last four we have had together! Thank you for loving me, for taking care of me and Benjamin, and always being there for us. I'm so excited to have our family grow and to share another beautiful child with you!
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