He also is saying more and more words (finally!). He got some new books that just have a few big pictures and what they are on each page. He loves flipping through them and having us say what it is. He can identify most of them when you ask him, but even more impressive is that he's been saying them too. He doesn't necessarily incorporate these words into his speech throughout the day, but at least he says them while he's looking at the pictures! He also is starting to say his body parts. He has been able to point to them for awhile, but now he says them at the same time. His favorite is eye (usually while poking either Dave, the animals, or my eye at the same time). He also says mouth, head, hair, and nose. His favorite word is still hot. He says it all day long. Its very funny! He says it whenever he touches something even mildly warm and with all his food. He even uses it to get out of eating the food he doesn't want! Quite the character!
Another cute thing he has been doing is kissing. He has always been quite the little kisser (going to get him into trouble some day I'm sure). But now whenever you want something like if I want him to come sit with me or for him to come to me when Dave's holding him or vice verse and he doesn't want to, he doesn't shake his head no or anything. He just reaches out, lips perched and gives you a consolatory kiss. As if to say, "sorry I don't want to, but in case I hurt your feelings, here's a kiss to make you feel better and know that I still love you!" He does this all day long! Its hard not to laugh! He also is kissing my belly. He is quite the mimicker and only saw Dave kissing my belly once or twice before he had to do it too. So now if you ask where the baby is, he lifts my shirt up enough to see my belly and leans in and kisses his little brother/sister! How sweet is that! Dave was saying the other day, "I bet Benjamin is going to kiss the baby all the time when it gets here!" Won't that be so wonderful to see?!??!?!
Here's a picture I took of him last night. I figured I couldn't post without a picture! I had gone in his room to check on him before going to bed and he was lying flat on his back with both arms above his head with his hands resting on either side of his head. It was pretty cute! When I came back from getting the camera, he had already turned onto his side but still looked so cute and sweet with his hand up by his face that I couldn't resist snapping a few! Sleep tight!

1 comment:
Thanks for the update, Andee! I'm so glad he's talking! He looks absolutely adorable (as always)! I hope you're feeling good! I'm so excited to be an aunt again! Looking forward to seeing you in September!
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