Here's from the Easter Egg Hunt they had at our church. Benjamin got four eggs. It was pretty cold and he mostly just watched the chaos of the other kids and parents (there were a lot of people there). We had fun though and enjoyed the pancake breakfast!

We went to New Albany after the egg hunt to see all of Dave's siblings who are all in town. Here's Benjamin playing around with his uncles and daddy. We ended up staying the night (unplanned) because Benjamin got so sick that we didn't want to travel with him!

After we got back the next evening, I gave Benjamin his Easter basket (minus the candy). He got a singing Elmo, a coloring book, crayons, and some Sesame Street books. I didn't get a very good picture of him going through it, because he was feeling pretty bad at that point and didn't get too excited.

Enjoying a popsicle, one of the few things he's kept down. And finally a smile! My mom came this evening and was nice enough to help us get caught up on our laundry and dishes (our dishwasher and hot water heater are broken). Thanks mom!

Dave's parents and Kelly and Mike came up and helped us so much tonight, we got a lot done! Thanks guys, you're awesome! Here's Benjamin sleeping on his uncle Mike!

This is him right now passed out on the couch. The poor guy threw up and had really bad diarrhea four times in like 30 minutes. I want him to be better SO BAD!!!!! Maybe tomorrow!

Also, we went to the doctor's office yesterday for Benjamin's 15 month check up and because he was sick. He was 32 inches long and 21 lb and 15 ounces. He lost weight (was 22 lb at 12 months), so that was sad. But he didn't have to get shots at least since he's sick, so that was a relief! If you can, send out a prayer that Benjamin will feel better soon!
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