We had a pretty funny moment today............Benjamin fell asleep in his highchair eating lunch. We try everyday to keep Benjamin up until lunch so he can spend as much time with Dave as possible before Dave leaves for work around 1:00. We were able to do that today, but as Benjamin and I were finishing eating lunch after Dave left, I went to give Benjamin a spoonful of food and he looked at me with these sleepy eyes, closed them and opened them again and then closed them again. Before I knew it, he was slumped over his tray fast asleep. How funny is that?!?!?!? I was able to clean his hands and face a little bit and get him out of his chair and into his crib without waking him. We must have really worn him out this morning!
He did have a pretty eventful morning after all. He played with his Daddy all morning and the best part was I got to see my son and his daddy play soccer for the first time. We are painting the living room right now, so we have a lot of the stuff moved out and there's lots of space in here. So Dave took the soccer ball and taught Benjamin how to kick it around. Being the little mimicker he is, Benjamin picked it up quickly and before we knew it they were kicking it back and forth. It was really sweet to see! I think Dave especially liked it!
Speaking of painting, we are moving right along. We have our bedroom and bathroom, Benjamin's toddler room, and the bonus room done and we're just a second coat away from being done with the living room. That means we just have the kitchen, hallway, nursery, and bathroom left. We are really kicking butt!!!!!!! I'm really excited as everything is turning out great! I'll post pictures when we are finished!!!!