It was pretty cold today (we are fearful of the Indiana cold that we will be experiencing in 13 days)!!!!!! Here is Benjamin all cute, bundled up in his winter gear!

This is a sign outside of the lighthouse. I just learned that you can click on the pictures and it will enlarge. So if you want to read about the lighthouse you can click on it and read about it. It was pretty cool. I had never climbed a lighthouse like that before. Benjamin wasn't allowed to go up it, so we took turns. I did ok going up (it was tiring as you can see by the picture and how many flights of stairs you had to go up, but do-able). However, going down totally freaked me out! I don't know what the deal was, but I did not enjoy it.....I went so slow, gripping the railing!!! Then when I got down my legs couldn't stop shaking! Crazy, but worth it!

Here's a picture of the stair cases from the bottom of the lighthouse. It was kind of dark in there, so the picture didn't come out great, but if you enlarge it, it might be better.

The lighthouse from the beach........

Here's Dave and Benjamin standing in front of the lighthouse.

And here they are when I took their picture from the top of the lighthouse (they are standing to the left of the ruins of the old keeper's house).

And here they are when I took their picture from the top of the lighthouse (they are standing to the left of the ruins of the old keeper's house).

We got some good pictures today, but here is my favorite out of them all, Benjamin's cute feet on the ride home. He took one shoe and one sock off and then after listening to his song fell asleep. How funny is that????

Frankie said she was disappointed that I didn't get a picture of Dave in the "tunnel". So here is one that I am sure to get in trouble for posting! Hope its worth it!!!!!!
A message from Dave:
I just found out that Andee posted this picture on the blog. Let me start by saying that Andee is in big trouble. I know this picture looks very bad but let me put it in context. I was playing with Benjamin by chasing him through the "tunnel" which happens to be Benjamin size, not Dave size. He flew through the "tunnel" with ease, I did not. While trying to extract myself from a bit of a squeeze, Benjamin crawled over to get a drink of milk and to watch the show. My loving wife meanwhile, instead of assisting me, was frantically trying to get the camera out to take a picture. Unfortunately she succeeded. -- Dave
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