Yep, you guessed it. We're back in Indiana! We are so happy to be home. We had a really nice trip down here. Benjamin did so great for us in the car and we were able to make it in one day and with pretty nice time. We are slowly but surely getting settled into our house. It feels like a mansion to us with all of this room. Benjamin's having a lot of fun too with all the space to walk around in and get into everything. He can walk through the whole house without falling down. He's really turning into a little boy! He's still being really affectionate and giving everyone tons of kisses and recently he has learned how to give some really good hugs too!We are surviving the cold weather day by day. There was snow on the ground when we got here on Friday and then it snowed pretty much all day Saturday. The snow is pretty, but it will take some getting used to all the snow and cold...its quite the change! I do ok when outside for a short period of time, but I am freezing inside! Dave is being frugle and won't let me turn the heat up! We'll make it though!!!!One reason we are so happy to be back here is because we missed our family so much. We stayed with my parents the night we got back here and had fun being with them again (and with Zoe!). Yesterday we had a really fun day. Dave's parents and Jimmy and Shawna came up for a visit. We had a nice time at our house and went out to eat together. Here are some pictures of us at dinner and Benjamin enjoying all the attention he gets from his Grandparents!
And the super exciting part of the day was that we learned that Benjamin is going to get his first cousin! Yep! Jimmy and Shawna surprised us with the very exciting news that they are going to have a baby the first of September! YEA!!!!!! We couldn't be happier for them! They are going to make great parents!!!

Here's the soon-to-be mommy and daddy!!! (Yep, there's a baby in her tummy!!!!)