The kids new favorite activity is to get a whole host of items and create beds for themselves and pretend together.
Daddy came home sick one day (just a sinus headache, not contagious) and when Eva was getting sleepy he asked if he could please take a nap with her. Usually, I don't let him because he's such a hard sleeper, but since Benjamin and I were doing school right there I let him and he was so happy and it was pretty sweet seeing them snoozing together. Eva would stir herself awake and then back asleep again and Dave just kept on sleeping!

Benjamin and I started a new bible study and we are studying Genesis. After doing some of his homework for the first week we discovered that he could do a really good job at reading the first chapter. He was so excited about this that after we were finished with school he sat with his Bible in the rocking chair anxiously waiting for his Dad to wake up so that he could read the Bible to him. As he waited he was flipping through the pages and trying to read different passages and was making up songs, he was so excited. I just had to capture a picture of this cute moment. What a blessing it is to see him develop his faith!
Eva is becoming more and more smiley!
It's hard to capture her smile sometimes because she often smiles with her whole body!
Whew, that feels better!
It's so fun having such a happy, sweet baby!
While I was taking the above picture of Eva, I put the other three in a simultaneous time-out. They had made multiple bad choices and weren't listening and so I was trying to make an effect on them about their behavior. Afterwards, I had them all come over and talk to me. Because I had just been getting Eva to smile for pictures, the kids weren't in a very remorseful mood. I was bad and instead of being a disciplinarian, I was a silly mom and said, "Hey, you guys were just in trouble shouldn't you be making sad faces?" They picked up on my silliness and started trying with all their might to make sad faces, but ended up mostly just laughing!