***UPDATE: I just got a new (wicked sweet) photo editor. So all the photos in this post have been edited and look much better. It's way easier to see Benjamin during his concert now too! :)This week we had Vacation Bible School at our church. This was the first year Benjamin got to do it and my second year helping. It was a really amazing week, one that I feel greatly blessed to have shared with my son. Getting to go each night with him and see his excitement and then ride home with him and hear how much of God's word he had soaked in and all the fun he had was awesome! He had a pretty hard time going to sleep each night, he was just overflowing with excitement and things to share with Dave and I. It made for a long and tiring week, but was completely worth it! Here are some pictures of our week..........
The first three days just the leaders have shirts and Benjamin would shrill with delight when I would change into mine in the evening before it was time to go and yell, "It time for Bible School!!!!" He greatly anticipated the arrival of his shirt and was overjoyed when we both had them!
One of the girls from church took pictures all week and posted some of my kids on facebook so I could see them (and steal them!). Here's Benjamin doing a craft..........
Playing a game outside, clearly overjoyed! (And notice neither foot is on the ground!)
Going down a make-shift slip and slide the night we learned about the Israelites crossing the parted sea.
Anna and Dave tried to come the first night and help out in the nursery, but Anna has put herself on a fairly strict and early bedtime and was ready for bed way before VBS was over. So she and Dave stayed home the rest of the week and had Daddy/Daughter time. We made Dave a home-made chocolate cake for Father's Day and they enjoyed having some in the evenings together......
One night I gave Dave some chores to do and he apparently enlisted our daughter to help out.......
Look how tall she's getting! She's becoming quite the big girl! We started time outs this week and she is so stinkin' smart! Whenever I tell her not to do something and she doesn't listen, I ask "Do you want to go in timeout?" To which she always replies w/ a very pitiful "no". At first when I would say this, she would say no and then still go put herself in timeout. She'd sit down and do this sad/fake cry and then stand up and say "Sorry." Then go on her way. It was hard not to burst out laughing b/c she was completely mimicking Benjamin! She doesn't really pretend to do it anymore though now that we do them for real and they work really well b/c she understands so much and is so verbal. However, I told Dave I was kind of grieving her babyhood by starting this! :(

I think they managed to have a lot of fun too! :)

The last night of the week, everyone came and we had a dessert buffet (mmmmm) and then the kids sang the songs they learned. Benjamin did an awesome job and I was beaming with pride watching him! :)

Here's almost all the kids. We were pretty close to the front, so it was hard to get a full shot......

I'm sure you (like me) just care about seeing Benjamin anyway! ;)

They had some extra shirts and gave Anna one. Benjamin and Anna looked pretty cute running around church together in them!